How to Implement the Rockefeller Habits?
While the habits are listed in no particular order and you can start with whichever you want, we give our clients one rule —they must start with Rockefeller Habit #1: The executive team is healthy and aligned.
It is near impossible to implement any of the other habits without checking off Habit #1 first. Once that is realized and your team is ready to go (i.e. they can fight without killing each other), pick one or two habits each quarter and work on those.
Start with the habits that will have the most immediate benefits and over the next 24 to 36 months, you will have been able to get through all 10 habits. Outside of Rockefeller Habit #1, the order is up to you.
This isn’t a one-time thing but a process that will make your journey easier. As the company scales up, you can continue to refresh the habits.
The 10 Rockefeller Habits
Rockefeller Habit #1: The Executive Team Is Healthy and Aligned
Rockefeller Habit #2: Everyone Is Aligned with the #1 Thing That Needs to Be Accomplished This Quarter to Move the Company Forward
Rockefeller Habit #3: Communication Rhythm Is Established and Information Moves Through the Organization Accurately and Quickly
Rockefeller Habit #4: Every Facet of The Organization Has A Person Assigned with Accountability for Ensuring Goals Are Met
Rockefeller Habit #5: Ongoing Employee Input Is Collected to Identify Obstacles and Opportunities
Rockefeller Habit #6: Reporting and Analysis of Customer Feedback Data Is as Frequent and Accurate As Financial Data
Rockefeller Habit #7: Core Values and Purpose Are “Alive” In the Organization
Rockefeller Habit #8: Employees Can Articulate the Key Components of The Company’s Strategy Accurately
Rockefeller Habit #9: All Employees Can Answer Quantitatively Whether They Had A Good Day or Week (Column 7 Of the One-Page-Strategic-Plan or OPSP)
Rockefeller Habit #10: The Company’s Plans and Performance Are Visible to Everyone
Where Does Your Company Stand?
As you can see, the formula is actually simple.
- Make sure everyone feels safe and free to participate
- Get your priorities straight
- Gather data
- And make sure everyone and everything works like a well-oiled machine.
Knowing the formula is the easy part, successfully implementing the formula is where things get tricky. Throw in a large organization with many different people and parts and things can get out of hand. That’s where these habits come in. It is the rudder that will help you steer the company’s ship to scaling up.
How many of these habits can you check off? Don’t worry too much if you can’t check too many, or any at all. Most of the companies initially couldn’t either. What’s important is that you start now.
Need help implementing one or all of the 10 Rockefeller Habits in your business? Feel free to reach out to us for future information.
If you would like a digital copy of the check list please contact us for your complementary Rockefeller Check List.
Don Hache is a certified Scaling UP/ Gazelles and Metronome United 3HAG WAY executive, business and growth coach and Entrepreneur in Residence at www.direcsys.com